Your Metalworking Fluid Doctor
We are your Metalworking Fluid Doctor and we can help you Diagnose, Recommend treatment and Recommend preventative action to minimize future problems.
Our laboratory services will investigate the facts and our on-line system will report the findings. It is that simple!
You can learn more about how our Cimcool Canada Metalworking Fluid Doctor can help you by choosing one of the options below that apply to you:
The Final Word
Is your current metalworking fluid letting you down?
Do you have Metalworking Fluid problems but no one is giving you answers?
You don't have a reliable resource to help you?
The only diagnostic tool you have ever seen is a refractometer?
Ever since you had a Metalworking Fluid problem, your sales representative is no where to be found?
You need a Check Up, from the Sump Up.